Kamis, 24 April 2014

SoftSkil 2

50 Vocab of Economy
  1. Absolute Title                      : Hak Milik Mutlak
  2. Accountant                          : Akuntan
  3. Acceptance Register           : Daftar penerimaan
  4. Accretion                            : Penambahan
  5. Accumulation                     : Akumulasi
  6. Accurancy                          : Ketepatan
  7. Act of Indemnity                : Tindakan ganti rugi
  8. Active growth                    : Pertumbuhan aktif
  9. Active Market                     : Pasaran aktif
  10. Advance Capilasim             : Kapitalisme maju
  11. Advance economy            : Ekonomi lanjutan
  12. Advancment                        : Kemajuan
  13. Advance money                 : uang muka
  14. Affluent Society                  : masyarakat yang makmur
  15. Advertisement                    : Periklanan
  16. Affliated company              : Perusahaan gabungan
  17. Aggressive Society             : masyarakat agresif
  18. Agrarian Economy              : Ekonomi Agrarian
  19. Agreement                           : Perjanjian
  20. Tax                                       : Pajak
  21. Revenue                               : Pendapatan
  22. Payment                               : Pembayaran
  23. Average price level              : tingkat harga rata-rata
  24. Market                                 : Pasar
  25. Checking Account               : Rekening giro
  26. Central Authority                 : Otoritas pusat
  27. Cost of Production               : Biaya produksi
  28. Credit policy                        : Kebijakan kredit
  29. Decentralization                  : Desentalisasi
  30. Contract labor                      : Tenaga Kerja Kontrak
  31. Earned Income                    :Pendapatan yang diperoleh
  32. Economy Incentive             : Insentif Ekonomi
  33. Equillibrium                        : Keseimbangan
  34. Finance                                : Keuangan
  35. Foreign Exchange Market   : Pasar Valuta Asing
  36. Foreign Trade                      : Perdagangan Luar Negri
  37. Funding                                : Pendanaan
  38. Gross Domestic Product      : Product Domestik Bruto
  39. Property Right                     : Hak Milik
  40. Public Project                      :Proyek Publik
  41. Relative Price                      : Harga Relatif
  42. Absolute Advantage            : Keunggulan absolute
  43. Risk Reduction                    : Pengurangan Resiko
  44. Sales Tax                             : Pajak Penjalan
  45. Capital Stock                       : Modal Saham
  46. Circulation of Money          : Peredaran uang
  47. Balanced Budget                 : ANggaran Keseimbangan
  48. Tax Deduction                     : Pemotongan Pajak
  49. Deferment of Loan             : Penundaan Pinjaman
  50. Demand Curve                   : Permintaan

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