Kamis, 24 April 2014

SoftSkil 2

50 Vocab of Economy
  1. Absolute Title                      : Hak Milik Mutlak
  2. Accountant                          : Akuntan
  3. Acceptance Register           : Daftar penerimaan
  4. Accretion                            : Penambahan
  5. Accumulation                     : Akumulasi
  6. Accurancy                          : Ketepatan
  7. Act of Indemnity                : Tindakan ganti rugi
  8. Active growth                    : Pertumbuhan aktif
  9. Active Market                     : Pasaran aktif
  10. Advance Capilasim             : Kapitalisme maju
  11. Advance economy            : Ekonomi lanjutan
  12. Advancment                        : Kemajuan
  13. Advance money                 : uang muka
  14. Affluent Society                  : masyarakat yang makmur
  15. Advertisement                    : Periklanan
  16. Affliated company              : Perusahaan gabungan
  17. Aggressive Society             : masyarakat agresif
  18. Agrarian Economy              : Ekonomi Agrarian
  19. Agreement                           : Perjanjian
  20. Tax                                       : Pajak
  21. Revenue                               : Pendapatan
  22. Payment                               : Pembayaran
  23. Average price level              : tingkat harga rata-rata
  24. Market                                 : Pasar
  25. Checking Account               : Rekening giro
  26. Central Authority                 : Otoritas pusat
  27. Cost of Production               : Biaya produksi
  28. Credit policy                        : Kebijakan kredit
  29. Decentralization                  : Desentalisasi
  30. Contract labor                      : Tenaga Kerja Kontrak
  31. Earned Income                    :Pendapatan yang diperoleh
  32. Economy Incentive             : Insentif Ekonomi
  33. Equillibrium                        : Keseimbangan
  34. Finance                                : Keuangan
  35. Foreign Exchange Market   : Pasar Valuta Asing
  36. Foreign Trade                      : Perdagangan Luar Negri
  37. Funding                                : Pendanaan
  38. Gross Domestic Product      : Product Domestik Bruto
  39. Property Right                     : Hak Milik
  40. Public Project                      :Proyek Publik
  41. Relative Price                      : Harga Relatif
  42. Absolute Advantage            : Keunggulan absolute
  43. Risk Reduction                    : Pengurangan Resiko
  44. Sales Tax                             : Pajak Penjalan
  45. Capital Stock                       : Modal Saham
  46. Circulation of Money          : Peredaran uang
  47. Balanced Budget                 : ANggaran Keseimbangan
  48. Tax Deduction                     : Pemotongan Pajak
  49. Deferment of Loan             : Penundaan Pinjaman
  50. Demand Curve                   : Permintaan

Rabu, 02 April 2014

SOFTSKILL Bahasa Inggris

Weaknesses of Indonesian Economic

Chamber of Indonesia Commerce and Industry (Kadin) declared Indonesian economy that is actually very promising for both domestic and foreign investors. However, there are still weaknesses seeing by Kadin of the economy that need to be addressed. Vice Chairman of Kadin Indonesia, Novian Anindya Bakrie said, promising Indonesian economy is evidenced by incoming investment, private consumption, and vibrant business world.

“But there are still some weaknesses that Indonesia’s economic structure needs to be addressed now,” said Anindya at Menara Kadin Jakarta, Wednesday (06/03/2013).

Anindya see Indonesia’s economic weakness is in the trade deficit. Currently due to larger imports than exports then it makes more Indonesian trade balance to be deficit. Moreover, the largest import of oil and gas.

On the other hand, Anindya also highlights subsidy of oil (BBM) to the people who actually are not even on target. Current budget fuel subsidy enjoyed by the rich instead.
“As the impact, the deficit and the high pressure gas imports that led to the weakening of the rupiah,” he added.

Again, the actual budget for infrastructure even neglected. He rated in the last few months that there is no improvement of government policy so that a problem cannot be resolved. Though foreign investors intending to invest in Indonesia as it will look up the bureaucratic infrastructure. If not good, then foreign investors will pull out of Indonesia.
I think too many Indonesian imports from outside which resulted in Indonesia's economic fundamentals are weak. If the government wants a bit of utilizing natural resources in Indonesia, Indonesia's economy may not be as weak as this, and Indonesia is not a lot of money to import out of the country. And I hope that the government could use the state budget not only for the country for personal use